
People are leaving the Golden State in droves. For the first time in history, more people are leaving California than coming.

This results from bad governance, high taxation, and high regulation. Whether it’s property tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, state income tax, vehicle registration fees, or any other economic burden placed on the working families of California, our money is being taken from us, but we’re not getting much in return from government services.

Case in point: we have the nation’s highest gasoline taxes, the highest car registration fees, and some of the worst roads. Something doesn’t add up.

I care about the cost of driving — in dollars and minutes — more than most lawmakers. It’s a recurring issue for many of my constituents, for my staff, and for me personally. But it’s not insoluble.

There are common sense solutions that will improve life on the road for Californians, that will make purchasing and owning a home less expensive, and that will make paying for energy and food less of a burden every month.

It’s simply a question of priorities.

Parents' Rights

Children are our future, and that means that parents have the right to shape that future. Schools are indoctrinating our children with ideologically driven agendas while keeping parents in the dark.


California’s destructive, out of touch leadership is leading to a degradation of our state’s public safety. We’re loosening our laws for criminals and convicts and tightening our restrictions on law enforcement.


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