

For decades, California was the envy of the nation. The Golden State was the model. Americans dreamed of living here.  

I know. I grew up in that California. 

But for Californians today, quality of life is getting worse every year. 

Crime is rampant. Schools are failing. Cost of living is out of control. 

The government is not on the same side as parents, business owners, or taxpayers. 


Because of bad ideas, because of bad policies. 

Change is needed. 

Common. Sense. Change.

That’s why voters sent me to Sacramento. 

I have not let them down and I will never let them down.

Despite the Democratic Party’s best efforts to shut me up and stifle any bills that I introduce, I am leading a grassroots movement to secure parents’ rights across common sense communities in California.

Common sense is contagious. For as long as I’m serving the people in Sacramento, I will fight for better ideas, better policies, and a better California.

Parents' Rights

Children are our future, and that means that parents have the right to shape that future. Schools are indoctrinating our children with ideologically driven agendas while keeping parents in the dark.


People are leaving the Golden State in droves. For the first time in history, there is a net out migration from this state than an in migration.


California’s destructive, out of touch leadership is leading to a degradation of our state’s public safety. We’re loosening our laws for criminals and convicts and tightening our restrictions on law enforcement.


We must curb Democrats’ power in Sacramento.
Help me fight for common sense and accountability.
Help me win re-election.


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